Year 7 Enrolment
Thank you for considering Cheltenham Secondary College for your student's secondary education. We offer a vibrant and engaging Year 7 program which will see your student undertake core subjects in the areas of, English, Maths, Science, Humanities, Language (Italian), Physical Education, Physical and Sport Education (PASE), Performing Arts and Technology throughout their first year of secondary school.
Enrolment Process
This is done completely via your student's primary school. Cheltenham Secondary College is unable to provide parents/guardians with enrolment forms.
In early Term 2 2024, your Grade 6 student's primary school will issue a form to the family or guardian which must be completed and submitted.
The form is completed by listing secondary schools in preference order and returned to the primary school by Friday 10 May 2024.
The primary schools then allocate students to a secondary school based on their students’ preferences.
On Wednesday 17 July 2024, families are offered a place at a secondary school for the following year. Cheltenham Secondary College will contact all successful applicants after the release of this information, welcome students to the College, and then begin the transition from primary school.
If your student was not accepted into the preferred secondary college, from Thursday 18 July 2024, parents/guardians can commence lodging written non-placement appeals. To do this, please ask your primary school for a Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Placement Appeal Form to lodge this appeal.
This process is specified (and subject to change) by the Department of Education and Training.