Our Vision and Values


Respect: This value speaks clearly about the way we wish everyone to treat one another, much as we would want to be treated ourselves, with consideration, courtesy and regard, valuing everyone’s self-worth; and making every effort to get along with other people. We work together; accepting of diversity, and inclusive of others, especially those new to our community. We show self-respect through a positive attitude, outlook, actions and appearance. We are trustworthy, act honestly, ethically and morally; ensuring that all contributions to discussions are listened to and accorded respect. This applies again to all members of our community.
Responsibility: This value exemplifies the importance of knowing what is expected of us, and following through accordingly. We want everyone to be personally accountable for their actions; to take care of the school property and environment, to contribute positively to the learning environment in class, to be at the right place at the right time, and with everything needed to deliver our personal best.
Personal Best: This value defines what we want everyone to strive for, something of which each of us is capable. We celebrate excellence and elite performance but recognise that not everyone is capable of achieving that. No one should settle for anything less than their best in everything they do, and then seek to improve. In this way, each of us can respond positively to feedback and set the bar higher for next time, both students and teachers alike.
Sense of Community: This value defines what it means to be a member of the Cheltenham community. We understand and value our traditions and contribute positively at whole school events like assemblies, the ANZAC ceremony, House competitions, Presentation Night and Open Night. As students we wear the College uniform with pride, representing the College with pride in competitions, on excursions and camps, and when travelling to and from school. As teachers and students, we contribute to a safe and positive environment at school; we are proud to be members of this community and recognise and celebrate the achievements of all its members. We lend assistance to people in need and make welcome all those new to our school.