House Competition
Upon enrolment, students are allocated a ‘house’ in which they compete for their house in activities such as our annual Swimming and Athletics Carnivals, Chelt’s Got Talent competition and Year 7 and 8 students represent their house during their timetabled PACE classes.
Each year, four Year 12 students are elected as house captains and take on a leadership role.
The house that has won the most house points across the year is presented with the perpetual House Champions Shield at our annual Presentation Night.

The four houses at Chelt.Sec bear aboriginal names:
- Red house - Arakoola (in front),
- Blue house - Killara (always there),
- Yellow house - Pampari (stand firm) and
- Green house - Thalera (strength).
For more information on co-curricular activities, please contact Karly Hargreaves at 9555 5955 or