Teaching and Learning
All students are empowered to learn and achieve, experiencing high-quality teaching practice and the best conditions for learning which equip them with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions for lifelong learning and shaping the world around them.
Cheltenham Secondary College's Key Principles in Achieving Excellence in Teaching and Learning:
- To set high expectations for every student which promotes intellectual engagement, self-awareness and encourages students to take ownership of their learning.
- To develop positive relationships with students to create a supportive and productive learning environment that promotes inclusion and collaboration within our classrooms.
- Priority on student engagement and wellbeing, providing opportunities for students to participate in all areas of decision-making within the college. This encourages greater student voice and agency, especially when decision-making occurs within the classroom environment, empowering students and building school pride.
- Curriculum planning and assessment is targeted at the students' point of need in an engaging, supportive way to promote learning growth.
- To challenge students’ learning to construct and apply new knowledge.
- To carry out continuous reporting, feedback and monitoring of student progress allows teachers to reflect on their current teaching practices, and implement strategies to improve individual student learning growth.
- To prepare students to be global citizens and have an understanding of real-world contexts for learning.
- To enhance partnerships with parents and carers to enhance student learning.
Instructional Model
Our Instructional Model provides consistency in how lessons are delivered and ensures that staff have a common approach to supporting students in taking ownership of their learning, maximising their own learning growth. The model consists of four equally important sections which describe interlinked elements required for effective lessons.
In the Activate phase of a lesson, prior learning is activated and students are supported by the teacher to set challenging learning goals.
Teachers use explicit teaching and worked examples to Focus students on what is required and Guide the students in constructing new knowledge and skill, building upon their existing understandings.
As students gain new knowledge and skills, they develop confidence and are supported through questioning to apply this knowledge both independently and collaboratively with their peers. The teacher monitors them as they work towards demonstrating Mastery of the content and achieving the challenging learning goals they have set for themselves.
The Review phase gives an opportunity for all participants to reflect on their learning, determine whether the learning goals were achieved and consider the next steps required in their learning.
Throughout all phases of the Instructional Model questioning is used to actively engage students in the learning process and as a vehicle to monitor progress and understanding. Feedback also occurs consistently throughout so that students can monitor progress towards their goals and determine the next steps required for continued learning growth.